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NORDLYS Ellipse Treatment for Nail Fungus

Published on: March 11, 2016

Nail fungus can be a really persistent problem and can occur on the fingernails as well as the toenails. It can become more common with age, in those with diabetes or circulation problems and, with toenails, those who do regular exercise or use communal showers and changing areas. You can of course get antifungal nail paints and oral medication but some people find that they get unpleasant side effects such as nausea and headaches. At the London Cosmetic Clinic we can treat nail fungus without chemicals or medication with the use of the Ellipse Nordlys system.
Using a very precise form of laser, we treat the whole nail with flashes of infrared light. This destroys the fungus by creating a heat reaction and we use a series of flashes that are overlapped and repeated to ensure that we have treated the entire nail. No fungus will be able to lurk around! The treatment only takes 15 minutes and you will probably need 3-4 sessions, each spaced about a fortnight apart plus a follow-up appointment.
If you have spotted yellow streaks on and underneath your nails, discoloured and thickened nails, nails that have become brittle or, as the infection progresses, a powdery appearance on the nail surface, you may have nail fungus. The Ellipse Nordlys Onychomychosis treatment is very effective at removing nail fungus but it doesn’t prevent it from appearing again in the future. You can protect yourself from nail fungus reoccurring by drying your feet thoroughly, wearing breathable socks and shoes, wearing flip flops in communal showers, using antibacterial soap when washing your hands and always cutting your toenails in a straight line.
If you have nail fungus that is proving stubborn to treat, contact us to arrange a free consultation. There is no need to be embarrassed and you’ll be back in peep toe shoes in no time!
