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Our Mole Removal Treatments

Published on: October 31, 2017

Moles and birthmarks can be found anywhere around the face and body and are usually harmless but can make you feel self-conscious if they are larger or in a conspicuous area. At the London Cosmetic Clinic we remove moles and birthmarks with minimal discomfort and without the need for surgery.

At our Knightsbridge based clinic we use a few different methods to remove birthmarks and moles dependent on the size, depth and location of them, these include-

  • Shave excision- removing the mole with a dermablade, leaving a very small wound that is cauterised and does not require stitches.
  • Elliptical excision- a deeper excision that is suitable for deeper moles so that they are removed completely and will not return. You may require stitches for the resulting wound which will be dissolvable or non-dissolvable.
  • Hyfrecator treatment- we use low-powered medical apparatus to directly destroy the tissue of the mole and at the same time stop any resulting bleeding. It is quick and only leaves a small superficial wound.

In a small amount of cases, moles can be linked to skin cancer. In these cases, we send a sample of your mole to a laboratory for analysis so that any abnormal cells can be detected.

As with all our treatments, you will have a free consultation where we will assess the size, location and depth of your mole and discuss suitable treatment options. It is always important to practise good aftercare so that you do not run the risk of infections or scarring, and we advise that you keep your wound clean and apply a prescribed antibiotic cream. If your mole removal has required stitches, we will schedule a follow up appointment to remove these.

If you would like to know more about mole removal at our Knightsbridge based clinic, contact us today and speak to a member of our team.