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Thread Vein Removal with IPL Treatment

Published on: August 14, 2016

Thread veins can appear on our legs for a variety of reasons such as poor circulation, alcohol
consumption, carrying extra weight or simply being stood up for a long time for a prolonged period
and they can look particularly prominent if you have very fair skin. Whilst there are a few things you
can do to try to prevent them from appearing, none of which are guaranteed to work, you can erase
them at the London Cosmetic Clinic with the use of IPL treatment.

Short for intense pulsed light, we use IPL treatment for various treatments at our Knightsbridge-
based clinic including skin rejuvenation and minimising skin pigmentation. The light rays from the
device create a thermal reaction in the skin which cauterises the broken capillaries that make up
thread veins. As less blood flows to these broken capillaries, they start to fade and the thread veins
disappear. Straight after your IPL session your skin may appear redder but this will quickly calm
down as your skin recovers. We recommend that you use SPF 35 or higher as your skin will be
temporarily more susceptible to UV damage.

You may need several sessions depending on the severity of your thread veins and this will be
discussed at your consultation. We also use this technique to remove other areas of redness such as
port wine stains and hyperpigmentation. To find out more about thread vein removal or any of our
other treatments, contact us today to book a consultation.

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