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Removing and Minimising Scars

Published on: April 23, 2016

Scars can carry memories on our skin, for example, stretch marks from pregnancy, marks from childhood high jinks, but they can also make us feel self-conscious and unwilling to wear certain clothes. At the London Cosmetic Clinic we have a range of scar removal and minimising treatments and we can help you choose the best option based on the type, location and condition of your scar.

Scars fall into different categories depending on how they were caused and their appearance, the main categories are as follows

  • Keloid scars (caused by over-aggressive healing, appears shiny and raised)
  • Acne scars (small pits caused by severe acne)
  • Stretch marks (caused by sudden growth or weight loss, often appear during pregnancy and puberty)
  • Contracture scars (often from a burn, these cause a tightening in the skin that also affects the underlying muscle)
  • Hypertrophic scars (similar to keloid scars but don’t extend over the point of injury)

In some cases scars can be diminished by encouraging the skin to produce more collagen and heal itself, for example IPL treatment which can help fade red or pink scars and stimulates collagen and elastin production. Likewise our Dermaroller treatment encourages the skin to heal itself and is very effective on stretch marks.

If your scar is atrophic, i.e. dipped into the skin, we can use dermal fillers to raise it to the level of the surrounding skin whilst raised scars like keloid and hypertrophic scars can be treated with a series of corticosteroid injections.

We can perform minor surgery to improve the appearance of a scar or to release it if it is affecting the movement of a joint. This involves removing the scar tissue then closing the wound and can cause a temporary scar which will fade as the skin recovers.

In all cases we will explain the process fully and demonstrate correct aftercare to prevent infection. If you have a scar that you would like removed, please contact us today to book a free consultation.
